Thursday, March 24, 2011

Not as I wanted, but it is what I want

Ok, so the title sounds a bit like an oximoron I know, but not really.

It is March 2011 and I am not where I thought I was going to be, and perhaps that was part of the problem, but I am where I want to be for this moment in my life.

I am letting go of expectations, mine, yours, theirs and I am doing and living how I want to live my life. Some under estimated my resolve and at the same time over estimated my patience.

I am finally throwing off the shackles of being where everyone expects me to be and who everyone expects me to be, let me give you and example. Yesterday I went to the Japanese Bath House, this entailed me getting naked in front of people I don't know and bathing and cleansing in front of those people. Now the thought of a 47 year old woman doing this could possibly sent some of my friends running quickly for a white jacket for me, but NO I haven't lost my mind, NO I am not having a mid life crisis, since this would denigrate a long generational tradition from a country where this is a regular and acceptable way of life for those of any age, but I had an enjoyable afternoon, enjoying the tradition of another country and feeling very relaxed, and well........naughty.

I have set myself a health goal and when I achieve it I have promised myself a treat. Now I am not going to say what it is, the goal or the treat, that will come in a later post when I achieve what I want, but it will be another thing that some people may be shocked about, but hey, is life not about living? Why is it that only teenagers get to push the boundaries to see how far they can go? I think it weird that a woman who is 63 just gave birth to a baby, she wouldn't, I would but at the end of the day, that is her choice, not mine but hers.

I am enjoying my time on this planet, I don't know how long I am going to be here for, but it is going to be a bloody enjoyable time.


  1. Good on you my friend - onwards and upwards. Do as your heart desires and may you have fun doing it and of course dont forget to SCRAP it!
    Love you

  2. Julie, I too have been to the Japanese bath house a couple of times. It was definitely a step out of my comfort zone the first time - but was also soon replaced by the sheer enjoyment of the experience. I hope that you do continue to push yourself in the directions you want to head - not because others think that's where you should be, but simply because it is where you want to be.
    *big hugs*
