It moved past and beyond and I didn't even see it, I didn't even feel it, I almost didn't know it. It happened so quick and yet it took forever to ripen, to come to fruition, to be acknowledged, to know, to feel.
It moved out of one realm and into another, it was like a whisper of smoke moving with the slight breeze, wrapping it's tendrils around the both of us, gently whispering, gently touching, gentle recognition of something that was growing, becoming real as each moment passed, until it was almost too big to ignore any longer.
It was based on friendship, shared early years, shared early memories, laughter, joy, 'remember whens?', dinner and talk and chat and laughter. It came out of no where and yet it come from another time; another time of innocence, a shared time, a shared memories of teachers and kids and events.
It came from hard times, difficult times, emotional times, unknown times, unshared times, and yet it came from gentle times, heartfelt times, understanding times, together times, shared-apart times.
It happened in a blink of an eye, without a thought, within a thought, as if it might never happen and yet as if was meant to happen and we weren't aware that it was, but somehow it was pre ordained, as if even then we were supposed to know, to grasp what was to be expected of us, and yet how could we know, understand, see?
It moved out of one realm and into another, it was like a whisper of smoke moving with the slight breeze, wrapping it's tendrils around the both of us, gently whispering, gently touching, gentle recognition of something that was growing, becoming real as each moment passed, until it was almost too big to ignore any longer.
It was based on friendship, shared early years, shared early memories, laughter, joy, 'remember whens?', dinner and talk and chat and laughter. It came out of no where and yet it come from another time; another time of innocence, a shared time, a shared memories of teachers and kids and events.
It came from hard times, difficult times, emotional times, unknown times, unshared times, and yet it came from gentle times, heartfelt times, understanding times, together times, shared-apart times.
It happened in a blink of an eye, without a thought, within a thought, as if it might never happen and yet as if was meant to happen and we weren't aware that it was, but somehow it was pre ordained, as if even then we were supposed to know, to grasp what was to be expected of us, and yet how could we know, understand, see?
Perhaps, it shouldn't be questioned at all, perhaps it was written in the stars, long ago, by scribes of time long past, who wandered this earth in gowns that kissed the earth, and white wiry beards that evidenced their wisdom and knowledge, who lived in dark spaces, lit only by candles, filled with large old books full of words of wisdom from ancestors telling their stories and passing on magical words that gave others wonderment, and fear and awe. Perhaps we just need to get back to the future Doc